Carmen Hernandez
Academic Management & Partner
She has a degree in Preschool Education, Family Counselor and with specialization in Early Stimulation. He has 12 years of experience in the field of education and with 10 years as Director of various educational institutions.
"Every child is UNIQUE and at My Little Genius everyone is important"
Carolina Rodriguez
Partner & Foundress
Carolina is the pioneer of the My Little Genius initiative, a family woman and a prominent businesswoman. Known in MLG as the "Spoiling Aunt of the little ones." It is developed in the administration and vision of growth of our center.
Stephanie Moore
Administrative Direction
He has a Master's degree in Project Management with specialization in Team Management and Management. He has extensive experience in leadership development and institutional organizational development. He has project certifications and advanced level English language skills. "Let's be the change we want to see and train future generations for a better tomorrow"
Carolina Valdes
Academic Coordinator &
PK Genius Master
Graduated from the Normal de Señoritas and the Latiana University of Panama with a degree in Preschool Education with more than 15 years of experience.
My role is to supervise, together with management staff, the planning, execution and evaluation of school activities.
Maria Montilla
Masterto Little Genius
TSU in Education Mention Preschool Education graduated from the UNIR Technological Institute.
Montessori Course Pre-Reading Skills - Stories to Grow Spain
Angelica Reyes
Deputy Coordinator &
Big Genius Teacher
Graduated in Early Childhood Stimulation and Family Guidance, she has more than 5 years of experience working in the area of preschool education.
Yaczari Rios
Big Genius Teacher
Graduate in Education with more than 10 years of experience.
Melineth Cedeno
Assitant Teacher Big Genius
Graduate in Early Stimulation and Family Guidance.
Carmen Franco
Assistant Teacher Little genius
Graduate in education with more than 20 years of experience.
Jaiza Montero
Head Teacher Baby genius
Graduate in Early Stimulation and Family Guidance.
Aiskel Deville
MastertoAssistant Big Genius
Graduate in Early Stimulation and Family Guidance.
Cindy Cedeño
Assitant Teacher PK Genius
Graduate in Early Stimulation and Family Guidance.